

TRI’S research

It was 2006, when Stefano Sacrato, a mechanical engineer with a Ph.D. in Materials for Engineering, thought about developing an anti-seismic product for the construction industry.

The idea derives from the on-field experience: Engineer has worked for years for the family Enterprise Delta Phoenix srl, the company that, in over 30 years of experimentations has developed high technology materials for the construction industry, successfully used in many different fields. Sacrato, strongly determined, started working at his project, alongside a group of researchers of the University of Brescia.

The idea to develop such an important product, instantly caught the attention of an entrepreneurs team, that decides to invest in the ambitious project. This is how TRI – Tecnologia e Ricerca Italiana – was created, a company that aims to develop and commercialize products in order to improve the quality and safety of the building where we live everyday.

Nel 2013 TRI presenta al mercato  ARMOX, il rivoluzionario intonaco antisismico, e DRYNEX, che contrasta in maniera risolutiva gli effetti indesiderati dell’umidità sulle opere in muratura. Due intonaci dalle proprietà eccezionali che rispettano i canoni della Bio-Edilizia.In 2013, TRI presents ARMOX, the revolutionary anti-seismic plaster, and DRYNEX, that definitively fights the undesired effects of humidity on buildings. These extraordinary plasters’ properties perfectly meet the Bio-construction benchmarks.

In 2015, the experimental research on STILNEX, the first thermo-acoustic, eco-friendly and cellular glass based plaster in the world, is successfully concluded.

TRI has made of safety and research its business mission.


Thermo-Acoutsti research

Forefront structures and the best Italian research centres, has partnered for years with our laboratories to develop non-formed composite materials at very high thermo-acoustic performances. The technological target of obtaining the best instrumental values has always coupled/coincided to the reaching of the best eco-friendly characteristics. The use of recycled materials and innovative nano-structures brings the research to constantly explore new exciting fields.


Seismic research

Since 2006, the Ph.D. program in materials for Engineering accomplished by Stefano Sacrato, has started a study on the behavior of low thickness technologies for the reinforcement of buildings. Through the years has brought to the achievement of important world-wide outcomes, resulting in an international patent and dozens of scientific articles on the best magazines of the field.


Humidity research

Over 50 degree and bachelor thesis, 5 Ph.D.’s, 15 scientific articles, over 250 construction sites application across Europe are what makes the applied research on high performances materials in highly decaying environments, the best expression of the partnership between Italians Universities and private companies. In this relationship, TRI has always been a frontline character and has reset the standards of excellence for the performances of materials under strong chemical and physical attack.


TRI partners with the best Italian research centres to design new construction solutions.


University of Brescia

Civil Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Architectural Engineering Department
Land and Environmental Engineering Department



Manufacturing Laboratory

Via XXV Aprile, 15
25030 Maclodio, Brescia



Economics Department


We look for excellence to guarantee safe and healthy environments and allow people to live in harmony with their surroundings.